UPDATE: The issue has been resolved.
Our switch provider is currently experiencing service degradation which is affecting ATM and POS transaction for multiple financial institutions. We appreciate your patience while they resolve the issue.

Canada Post Service Disruption Paper statements and other printed materials may be delayed, however, members may login to Online Banking to view and print e-Statements, or visit the branch to request a printed copy. Thank you for your understanding, and please reach out if you have any questions.

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The LDCU Advantage



Million of Assets Under Administration

Advisor with


Years Experience

LDCU Financial Management Formed


Years Ago


Professional Advice Matters.

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What to do when retirement approaches

Ensure a smooth retirement by following this guide.


Our Services

Your Financial Advisor at LDCU Financial Managment is here to guide you on the right path. We will work with you to create a personalized wealth management strategy tailored to your unique goals.

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Investment Services and Strategies

Your Plan will be designed based on your goals and needs, built with best-in-class investments, and continually monitored to ensure it keeps you on track toward the future you desire.

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Tax Planning

There are tax implications to each and every element of your complete Wealth Plan, but we can deploy a whole arsenal of tactics to minimize your tax burden.

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Risk Management and Insurance

Your LDCU Financial Advisor can help and is insurance licensed to offer or discuss insurance in a plan that strengthens and safeguards your family’s financial security.

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Retirement Planning

Develop a Retirement Plan that capitalizes on the opportunities of today and is sustainable over the long term.

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Charitable Giving

By incorporating your philanthropic goals into our wealth management process, we ensure your wealth and values can leave a lasting impact.

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Estate Planning

You can’t take it with you, but you can decide where it will go and how smooth the transition will be.


The Canadian Retirement Income Calculator will provide you with retirement income information including the Old Age Security (OAS) pension and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement benefits. You will need this information to populate the Annual Pension From Government field on the retirement calculator.

View the Canadian Retirement Income Calculator on the Government of Canada website to calculate your estimated Annual Pension From Government.


Mutual funds are offered through Assante Financial Management Inc. ®Assante is a registered trademark owned by Assante Wealth Management, and is used under license.

LDCU Financial Management Ltd. offers mutual funds through Assante Financial Management Ltd. ("AFM"), a registered mutual fund dealer and Member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization. Life insurance products and services are offered through Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc. ("AEIS"). For more information on AFM and AEIS please visit http://www.assante.com.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses, may all be associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Please read the prospectus or fund facts and consult your advisor before investing.