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Community Groups

Ladysmith & District Credit Union is a proud leader in supporting local community groups. 
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Ladysmith Days

On the August long weekend each year, LDCU sponsors the family-friendly Kids' Count Fun Zone after the Credit Union's school savings program at Transfer Beach.

For over 40 years, Ladysmith Days has been an exhilarating annual family event, celebrating life in Ladysmith, B.C. with music, food, and community spirit. This vibrant summer celebration features bouncy castles, face painting, balloons, giveaways, and a host of festivities. The event culminates in a spectacular fireworks show, proudly sponsored by LDCU, lighting up the sky in a dazzling finale.

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Transfer Beach

A true jewel of Ladysmith, Transfer Beach park is a major gathering spot for activities and community events.

LDCU is proud to have contributed over $80,000 to the development and refurbishment of Transfer Beach. Nestled along the shoreline, this picturesque park features an elegant amphitheatre for captivating performances and community events, an expansive playground for children's adventures, and a refreshing spray park for hot days. A cherished jewel, Transfer Beach epitomizes the vibrancy of our community.

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Ladysmith Festival of Lights Light-Up Night

This annual celebration in Ladysmith attracts thousands of spectators and includes many festive events, including a parade, and culminating with an outstanding firework show.

Since 2006, LDCU has proudly sponsored the Ladysmith Festival of Lights fireworks display, exemplifying our corporate citizenship and community pride. Running from the last Thursday in November to the second Sunday in January, this vibrant event attracts over 15,000 visitors, showcasing our town's spirit. Stroll along 1st Avenue and marvel at the magic of 200,000 sparkling lights, a festive wonderland crafted by dedicated volunteers who invest over 1,000 hours to bring this enchanting display to life.

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LDCU Scholarships

LDCU recognizes the effort and work involved for all our LSS graduates, and we also understand the rising costs of post-secondary education.

Each year, LDCU presents five scholarships to graduating students at LSS. These scholarships include a $6,000 scholarship in memory of John Ulinder, one of the founding members of the Credit Union who attended every AGM for 50 years. Also included are two scholarships in the amount of $3,500: one in memory of Helmi Kotilla, the first female President of a Board of any Credit Union in BC, and the other in memory of Jack MacDonald, a long-time director and President of the Board. Finally, the last two $1,250 scholarships are for students pursuing vocational or academic programs.

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Ladysmith Old Tyme Christmas

Ladysmith transforms itself into a Christmas village, straight out of a Charles Dickens novel. Come and see everyone celebrating all the Victorian traditions that made Christmas a time of peace and joy. Bring your children, or your inner child, to our parking lot and feast on homemade s'mores while Christmas music takes you back to simpler times.


Community Sponsorship

Ladysmith & District Credit Union has been a proud sponsor of several community programs and events over the years. 

Community sponsorship highlights 

Here are just a few of the programs and organizations we're excited to support.

  • Arts Council of Ladysmith & District
  • Champion of Choices
  • Chemainus Theatre Festival
  • Frank Jamieson Community Centre
  • Ladysmith Ambassador Program
  • Ladysmith Baseball Association

Arts Council of Ladysmith & District

  • Elevator Project

  • Arts on the Avenue

  • Winter Art Show

Champion of Choices

  • Motivational presentation for the Ladysmith Secondary School kids

Chemainus Theatre Festival

Frank Jamieson Community Centre

  • Halloween Monster Bash

Ladysmith Ambassador Program

Ladysmith Baseball Association

Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce

  • Chamber Golf Classic

  • Biz Buzz

  • Ladysmith Home and Business Show

Ladysmith Days

  • Kids’ Count Fun Zone

  • Fireworks

Ladysmith Downtown Business Association

  • Grand Christmas

  • Old Tyme Christmas

Ladysmith Kinsmen Club

Ladysmith Legion Auxiliary

Ladysmith Light-Up

  • Fireworks

Ladysmith Little Theatre

Ladysmith Prom

  • Grad gifts

Nanaimo Ladysmith School Foundation

  • Ladysmith Secondary School Bursaries and Scholarships

  • Stock the Locker Program

Ladysmith RCMP Victim Services

Ladysmith Resources Centre

  • Breakfast with Santa

  • Golf Tournament

  • LAFF Outside

  • Family Pass Program

  • Mid-Isle Soccer Club

Ladysmith Soup Kitchen

Ladysmith Trolley Project

Ladysmith Washroom Project

Mount Brenton Men's Amateur Golf Tournament

Old English Car Club

  • Brits on the Beach Event

Rotary Club of Ladysmith

  • Garden Show

  • Golf Tournament

  • Corporate Sponsor

Royal Canadian Legion

Stz'uminus Health Care

  • Teddy Bear Picnic 

Stz'uminus First Nation

  • Soccer Tournament

  • Tribal Journey's Event

Transfer Beach Improvements

  • Amphitheatre

  • Adventure Playground

  • Canoe Carving

Yellow Point Drama Club


Build a nest egg to reach your goals

Our investment options include term deposits and a range of registered accounts like TFSAs and RRSPs. 

Get a financial check up

Our experts will help you take control of your finances with genuine, actionable advice on how to maximize your money.

Bank with LDCU

Open an account or safety deposit box, transfer funds across town or around the world, and much more.