UPDATE: The issue has been resolved.
Our switch provider is currently experiencing service degradation which is affecting ATM and POS transaction for multiple financial institutions. We appreciate your patience while they resolve the issue.

Canada Post Service Disruption Paper statements and other printed materials may be delayed, however, members may login to Online Banking to view and print e-Statements, or visit the branch to request a printed copy. Thank you for your understanding, and please reach out if you have any questions.

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Looking for investment options to help grow your business? Look no further.

At LDCU, we offer the services and support you need to achieve your business investment goals.

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Investment Options

Our qualified investment specialists are available to provide you with professional assistance and dependable service.

If you're looking for investment options, you don't need to look any further than LDCU.

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Financial Planning

Balance, diversification, growth and value are key components to help protect your investments and your future.

At LDCU Financial Management, we want your money to stay safe, grow over time and be managed properly with your goals in mind.


Build a nest egg to reach your goals

Our investment options include term deposits and a range of registered accounts like TFSAs and RRSPs. 

Get a financial check up

Our experts will help you take control of your finances with genuine, actionable advice on how to maximize your money.

Bank with LDCU

Open an account or safety deposit box, transfer funds across town or around the world, and much more.